Revival is in the air here in Zambia! Just stepping onto the ground you can feel that God is moving so strong here! There is something big getting ready to break out! The hunger for God is everywhere you look and YOU as our supporter get to be a part of what God is doing in this hour!
Muhammed’s Encounter With Love
The first week of being back in Zambia our team partnered with one of our partner ministries to go into Lusaka’s city center to minister to the street kids! While there we met Muhammed , a 13 year old who got badly burned! After falling asleep and falling into the fire he was trying to stay warm by on the streets, all he could do was simply wrap his hand in a dirty cloth. His flesh had begun to rot when we found him. Our partners and us quickly sprang to action trying help him. No clinic would take him unless we had custody of him. Our partners at Nsansa Village boys home called social services and got emergency custody of Muhammed! We took him to the hospital and you as Garden Missions supporter were able to help get Muhammed the medical attention he wouldn’t have been able to receive otherwise! Muhammed had to get the wound scraped , cleaned, and was put on medication/ cleaning regiment daily. Our partners at Nsansa Village took him into their boys home to see he gets the proper attention needed! Muhammed came to our outreach a hurt, injured , street kid, but after we shared the love of Jesus with him he saw that love in real life as he went to bed fed, safe, and off the streets! You are making it possible to help so many others just like Muhammed!
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